Bathroom Appliance Repair Tips: Fixes You Can Do On Your Own

Bathroom Appliance Repair Tips: Fixes You Can Do On Your Own

As a homeowner,there are many reasons that you may need to fix something in your home. A good example of these that people often encounter is fixing bathroom appliances. Most of the time,though these fixes can be done on your own with the help of some simple tips and tools,many are not confident and end up hiring a professional for help. 

This is because,for some,bathroom appliance repairs can be a daunting task. You don`t want to risk breaking something else or making the problem worse by trying to fix it yourself. If you`re the type of person that hates spending money,then you`ll love these DIY bathroom appliance repair tips.

In this article,we will show you some of the common bathroom appliance problems and how to fix them on your own.

Bathroom Appliance Repair Tips

1. Low Waterflow 

If you have a mediocre water flow in your sink,then your faucet aerator may be the culprit. Unscrew it by hand or with the aid of a knife or flathead screwdriver,and simmer for two-three hours in white vinegar to remove buildup. If you`re also struggling with shower pressure,remove the head from that too before running hot water through it until clean (about five minutes). 

BTW,if you are interested in topics like this,learn more here.

In areas where the local tap is not as strong output wise,particularly if there`s an issue like particulates stuck on any parts,you can unscrew these components yourself and run them under warm/hot flowing water while scrubbing off what needs removing; this should only take about 5 minutes total time. 

2. Improve Your Toilet 

Whether you order a sleek color combo from Tushy or find your own at the hardware store,bidet attachments are easy to install. There are many great ways to make using the toilet more enjoyable while also making your bathroom modern and stylish.

For instance,you can change out seat covers for increased comfort,add heat for cold days or just overall aesthetics. For those who want accessibility in darkness without turning lights on while others sleep nearby with early wake-ups,you can try adding motion-activated night light. 

3. Change Your Showerhead 

Experts recommend replacing your shower head every six to eight months. If you can`t remember the last time you got a new one,it`s probably time to replace it!  This prevents any problems such as rust build-up,clogged holes,and low water pressure. 

Don’t worry,You don’t have to purchase an expensive rainfall style or pressure-maximizing model either,  just identify what type of shower head that is and then make sure all the tools required are on hand before installing it properly.

4. Problematic Toilet Handle

Most often,the toilet handle stops working which makes it impossible to flush down your toilet. When a toilet handle isn’t properly flushing once you push it down,this is a sign that you must inspect the tank of your toilet to check if the chain inside has broken or been misplaced. 

This is a very easy fix and also cheap as new chains often cause only about $3 dollars. Some use bobby pins as a temporary fix and immediate repair. For those with unbroken chains which seem to slip off,this might indicate that the chain is too long so you’ll need to remove some links until it fits perfectly. 

5. Worn-out Tub diverter

The most dreaded problem by homeowners when it comes to bathroom appliance repairs is losing shower water out of the bathtub faucet. This problem is usually caused by a worn-out tub diverter which is the small knob that pushes to make the water reroute from the bath faucet to shower mode.

The installation instruction for a tub diverter will vary depending on the style of your shower valve so ensure that the proper materials to install properly. For those with an in-spout diverter,you can replace the entire spout by using a wrench,a hex key,and a faucet. 

6. Clogged Drain

One of the most common problems in almost every household bathroom is a clogged drain. The main culprit is usually that it is filled with hair falls and sometimes soap residue that builds up for a period of time. 

To solve this issue,you can clean any hair or objects that might be stuck in the drain using a plumbing snake or auger. You can also use a drain cleaner to remove any remaining residues.